October 2022: A quick-check in

Hey everyone! This blog post is going to be especially short. Mostly because we’ve got things we’re working on, but I want to wait and show it all in a more complete state, with more content included at the same time.

It’s been a bit hectic with us handling some things on the business end and IRL, so we don’t quite have everything assembled in a way at the moment that would make for a large blogpost. But, to give the short version of the story:

This month, we’ve been working on the following things:

  • More foundation work for gameplay

  • Basic party following functionality + the basis for AI

  • The beginnings of making the ingame HUD + connecting all of the stuff we’ve set up so far to present it

We’re beginning combat, and I hope soon we can make a newer YouTube video that shows off some pretty environments our artists have been making for testing.

For now, I’ll leave you with this:


The Final Devblog of 2022!


September 2022: Robot Farm Gameplay Foundations